Residential Treatment Center

Big Lake, Minnesota

Treatment For Addiction & Mental Health

At Nystrom Treatment, we provide comprehensive, multifaceted addiction or  substance use disorder treatment to clients who need an intense level of care. If you or someone you love is suffering from psychological problems, chaotic or unsupportive interpersonal relationships, criminal justice history, and/or antisocial value systems, we can help.

Our Services

Comprehensive Assessment
Treatment Planning
Discharge Planning
Educational Lectures
Individual Counseling
Treatment Coordination
Recovery Peer Support
Group Counseling


Our Providers

Andrea Kruger

SUD Compliance & Quality Manager
Colleen Nielsen

Colleen Nielsen

Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist
Darcie Hanna

Darcie Hanna

Licensed Alcohol & Drug Counselor
Jeanette Johnson

Jeanette M. Johnson

Admissions Coordinator
Kristen Lilland

Kristen Lilland

Administrative Assistant
Kristi Rust

Kristi Rust

Registered Nurse

Nystrom Treatment Is Hiring!

Click the button below and choose Big Lake, MN as the location to view our open positions and apply online.